A complete Introduction to Transcendental Meditation

Bob Roth

Bob Roth on an Introduction to TM

As a first step in learning TM watch the introductory video above and then have a chat with a Teacher:

  • You will learn what TM is and is not.
  • How it differs from other meditations.
  • Why it works for everyone right from the start.
  • How TM improves health, happiness, and inner calm.
  • Why it is so easy to practice.
  • Why one to one personal instruction is essential.

To book a course or to find out more Contact:

Andrea Gribben 07968187984  email tmnorthernireland@gmail.com

Next TM courses of instruction begin on: 

Saturday 11th January

Saturday 25th January

Other dates may be available to suit your schedule, please ask.

Click here for TM Course Fees

New TM Centre opening on the Peace Line at Townsend Street, in Belfast city centre, Spring 2025.

Follow our progress on: Instagram

and Facebook


One of the unique features of TM is that personal instruction is delivered by highly qualified certified teachers on a one-to-one basis.  This is one of the reasons for TM's great success.  Revised Government guidelines permit us to restart the delivery of training providing it is performed online where possible.  At the same time, they allow for limited face-to-face sessions where necessary.

There are four key sessions of about 90 minutes each on four consecutive days for learning Transcendental Meditation. The initial session is always held individually, face to face and in person,  the  follow-up sessions are with the support of the new TM digital course, which runs on iOS and Android mobile phones, together with Zoom video-conferencing.  This provides a comprehensive and interactive experience and is supported by daily group meditation and personal check-ins with your teacher.  Before coming for personal instruction your teacher will provide you with guidence as to how we are meeting Government, Health and Safety Executive and WHO guideline.  We are confident that learning Transcendental Meditation will be a safe, enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

What is TM?


Transcendental Meditation is a simple, natural, effortless technique practised 20 minutes twice a day while sitting comfortably.

It enables mind and body to access a special quality of rest. Over six million people of all ages, cultures and religions have learnt TM. Anyone can learn!

Daisy Lowe on TM

What happens
when you meditate?


The TM technique allows your mind to easily settle inward, until you experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness. It differs completely from other meditations as it does not involve concentrating, or trying to empty the mind or be in the present - it is completely natural.

"Transcendental Meditation gives me an island of calm
in the midst of so much turbulence"

Paul McCartney on TM

Sir Paul McCartney

What is TM's value
in daily life?

Stress and anxiety are harmful to health, happiness, creativity and productivity. Hundreds of published research studies on TM verify its effectiveness for reducing stress, improving focus and clarity of mind, strengthening immunity and much more.

"Life finds its purpose and fulfilment in the expansion of happiness"

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Founder of Transcendental Meditation

Common Questions

Can I learn TM from a book or video?+
What happens during TM?+
What if I'm not good at controlling my mind?+
What if I'm sceptical?+